This blog is meant as an exploration and a celebration of food. Food as nourishment, food as art, but most of all, food as connection. Personally and politically, we all struggle with issues around food. Issues from body image to worker’s rights to environmental destruction transform the kitchen table into a battlefield.

Food binds us together with the people we love and with the soil beneath us. Simple bodily nourishment reaches us only through the work of the soil, the sun and rain, and the people who loved and labored along the way to put it on the table.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jessica’s Green Smoothie

Jessica’s Green Smoothie

The particular fruits in this smoothie are flexible depending on season and availability, but it's nice to have banana for a little bit of sweet creaminess, and something tart like a peach, or berries (or citrus in winter). Jess likes to put it in a jar and drink it throughout the day as sustenance. For me it's not nearly enough calories for that, but it's a wonderful refreshing breakfast or snack.

Dandelion greens are delicious in the early spring before they’ve flowered, although they are very bitter. Green smoothies with dandelion are for the adventurous of tongue, otherwise, it’s best to stick with spinach.


  • something tart (peach, apricot, berries, or orange)
  • something creamy and sweet (banana, coconut -- something milk-like)
  • spinach
  • ginger

Put it all in the food processor or blender and puree it. Add enough milk, water, or juice to make it drinkable. Smile at yourself in the mirror when you’re done; you’re almost guaranteed to have little green bits in your teeth.

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